October 19, 2015

Feelin' My Selfie

Why do we have such a problem with selfies?

In a world full of women who do not feel like they live up to the standards that society has set for them, why do we hate to see a picture of someone who likes the way they look?

Why does it bother us that someone else is happy with themselves?

I'd so much rather see a Facebook feed full of selfies of women who know their beauty and worth than one full of celebrity gossip and "I had a turkey sandwich for lunch today" statuses. Selfies do not depict a conceited person or a mental disorder. Selfies show confidence, happiness, and courage. They are empowering.
So what if a group of girls spent a large amount of time taking pictures of themselves instead watching a baseball game? We should be applauding the fact that they are comfortable enough with themselves to take a selfie. Saying that selfies are self-serving and conceited is telling someone that it's not okay for them to like themselves. That is the problem here.
I don't know about you, but I'd much rather see a world full of people who love themselves enough to post a selfie over a world full of people trying to live up to the impossible standards the media sets. By bashing the "selfie generation," we are, once again, perpetuating the belief that women shouldn't be comfortable with their natural selves.


I want my children to grow up in a world full of love for themselves and love for others, don't you?
Selfie bashing moves us closer to neither of these things. Think about it.
Tag me in your selfies on Instagram (@ChelseaEli), FacebookTwitter (@ChelseaTThomas), or send me a SnapChat @chelseaeli! I want to see your self-love! You can even add #MississippiHippy so I can see.


  1. I *love* this!!!! Sometimes when I'm feeling good, I take a selfie. On those days where I feel down or not so confident, I look back at my pictures to remind myself that I have many more good days than bad ones!!!!

    1. That's such a good idea! I need to start doing that!
