August 27, 2013

Consistency is Key

Now y'all know this time of the year gets crazy for me.  If you follow me on Instagram, you've seen my all too often, "on the road again" posts.  I've been living in my car going back a forth to the Gulf Coast and to Jackson.  No, seriously.  I think half of my wardrobe is still in my car.  To say life has been hectic would be such an understatement.

That's my travel buddy back there in his kennel.  He hates traveling in that thing.

With that being said, I wanted to talk to y'all about consistency in your workouts and diet.  Over the past month, I had really hit a plateau.  I'd either stay at the exact same weight from week to week.  Or gain about two pounds, then have lost them the next.  It was so frustrating, but when I stopped to think, I realized that I had not been being very consistent.  With all the traveling I had been doing, I had been cheating on my diet more often and missing workouts.  My cheats weren't huge.  Just a little bite here and there or a small portion.  Nothing necessarily wrong with that.  I firmly believe you have to indulge every once in a while or you'll go crazy.  You can't deprive yourself forever.  It's just not possible.  There's nothing wrong with having a small cheat, except during this time, it was keeping me from hitting my next goal.

So last week, I decided I was hitting it hard.  A perfect week.  No cheating, no missed workouts, and stick to my diet 100%.  Guess what happened! IT WORKED!  There really is so much to be said for consistency in many aspects of life.  I'm starting perfect week #2 with strength and determination.

Health is having a good relationship with yourself, you can't cheat on a relationship and expect it to work.

Also, I've been posting a lot about health and fitness lately.  I will continue to post about fashion, but this is a lifestyle blog also.  Health and fitness is very large part of my lifestyle, and I love to learn more and more about it and share it will y'all!  Hope y'all don't mind! :)

xoxo-Chelsea Eli

P.S.  I take back everything I said about Miley Cyrus.  There's a difference in being yourself and doing things just for shock value.  There are other ways to separate yourself from your past while showing some self respect.  I like your music, Miles, but where is your pride?

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